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Getting Smarter through Language

Practice 4. The Passive Voice. (Advanced, C-Level)

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Based on this lesson, use the cues in parentheses to create sentences using the passive voice. Be sure to use the correct verb tense.

Example: (the house / demolish) because (it / unsafe / find) after the earthquake.

Your sentence:

The house was demolished because it was found unsafe after the earthquake.

When you are finished, click “Answer.” (Also check your spelling and punctuation.)

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PDF Handout

1. (the senator / last week / from the Senate / expel) because (he / guilty of fraud / find) last month.

Your Sentence:

The senator was expelled from the Senate last week because he was found guilty of fraud last month.

The senator was expelled from the Senate last week because he had been found guilty of fraud last month.

2. (it / yesterday / announce) that (the final examination / a week / would move back).

Your Sentence:

It was announced yesterday that the final examination would be moved back a week.

3. (the documents / the committee / next month / review / must) before (a final decision / make).

Your Sentence:

The documents will be reviewed by the committee next month before a final decision is made

4. (the proposal / by the board of directors / reject) because (it / unrealistic / consider).

Your Sentence:

The proposal was rejected by the board of directors because it was considered unrealistic.

5. Even though (improvements / make / can), (the new policy / next month / implement).

Your Sentence:

Even though improvements can be made, the new policy will be implemented next month.

6. (the research report / next week / publish) after (the results / thoroughly / analyze).

Your Sentence:

The research report will be published next week after the results have been thoroughly analyzed.

The research report will be published next week after the results are thoroughly analyzed.

7. (the old theater / not yet / fully / restore), but (a new play / already / for December / schedule).

Your Sentence:

The old theater has not yet been fully restored, but a new play has already been scheduled for December.

8. (the novel / into several languages / recently / translate) and (worldwide / sell).

Your Sentence:

The novel has recently been translated into several languages and sold worldwide.

The novel has recently been translated into several languages and is being sold worldwide.

Congratulations on completing all the items!

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