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Getting Smarter through Language

Practice 2. The Passive Voice. (Advanced, C-Level)

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Based on this lesson, use the verbs and words in parentheses to complete each sentence using the active or passive voice. Make sure to use the correct verb tense.

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1. Classes (cancel) due to the storm yesterday.

Classes were canceled due to the storm yesterday.

2. These doors (must / lock) after 6 p.m. every day.

These doors must be locked after 6 p.m. every day.

3. The plastic film (must / remove) before the batteries (can / insert) .

The plastic film must be removed before the batteries can be inserted.

4. After the study (publish) last month, they (find) several errors in the methodology.

After the study was published last month, they found several errors in the methodology.

After the study had been published last month, they found several errors in the methodology.

5. I (never / tell) that John was in the hospital.

I was never told that John was in the hospital.

6. Students (give) no extra time to complete the assignment.

Students were given no extra time to complete the assignment.

Students will be given no extra time to complete the assignment.

7. My roof (damage) because of the storm yesterday.

My roof was damagedbecause of the storm yesterday.

My roof got damagedbecause of the storm yesterday.

8. No explanation (give) about what happened.

No explanation was given about what happened.


The car crashed into the fence, but thankfully no one was hurt.

The car crashed into the fence, but thankfully no one got hurt.

10. It (believe) that meditation (can / improve) your mental health.

It is believed that meditation can improve your mental health.

11. The disgraced politician (abandon) by his own party because he (cheat) in the last elections.

The disgraced politician has been abandoned by his own party because he cheated in the last elections.

The disgraced politician was abandoned by his own party because he cheated in the last elections.

12. French and Dutch (speak) in Belgium.

French and Dutch are spoken in Belgium.

Congratulations on completing all the items!

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