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Practice 3. Personal Pronouns (All Cases) | (B-Level, Intermediate)

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Based on this lesson about pronouns, complete each blank with the correct pronoun or determiner (I, me, my, mine, myself, you, yourself, and so on).

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1. The president of the company called to thank me for helping her with the project.

The president of the company herself called to thank me for helping her with the project.

2. — How did you like this movie?
 — I haven’t seen yet.

— I haven’t seen it yet.

3. We didn’t go to the party because no one invited . I’m not sure would have enjoyed ourselves, anyway.

We didn’t go to the party because no one invited us. I’m not sure we would have enjoyed ourselves, anyway.

4. The little girl was proud of because was able to tie her shoelaces all by . Her parents were proud of , too.

The little girl was proud of herself because she was able to tie her shoelaces all by herself. Her parents were proud of her, too.

5. Tom is a bit nervous. teacher asked to stay after class to discuss performance.

Tom is a bit nervous. His teacher asked him to stay after class to discuss his performance.

6. — I got your oven dirty. I’ll clean in a few minutes.
 — No, don’t need to clean this oven. will clean automatically.

— I got your oven dirty. I’ll clean it in a few minutes.

— No, you don’t need to clean this oven. It will clean itself automatically.

7. — I’m going to the movies by ___________________.
 — I thought you were going with your friends.
 — None of ___________________ could make it.

— I’m going to the movies by myself.

— I thought you were going with your friends.

— None of them could make it.

8. John and I need to talk. Could you give a minute by ?

John and I need to talk. Could you give us a minute by ourselves?

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