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Getting Smarter through Language

Practice 2. Personal Pronouns (All Cases) | (B-Level, Intermediate)

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Based on this lesson about pronouns, complete each blank with the correct pronoun or determiner (I, me, my, mine, myself, you, yourself, and so on).

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1. That knife is very sharp, John. Careful not to cut on .

That knife is very sharp, John. Careful not to cut yourself on it.

2. The fire was so out of control that fire fighters decided to let it burn out.

The fire was so out of control that fire fighters decided to let it burn itself out.

3. Mary loves too much. She is always looking at own reflection in the mirror.

Mary loves herself too much. She is always looking at her own reflection in the mirror.

4. Good job, children! You should be proud of ! parents must be proud of for sure.

Good job, children! You should be proud of yourselves! Your parents must be proud of you for sure.

5. A dog wags tail when is excited or happy.

A dog wags its tail when it is excited or happy.

6. May I use your phone? I can’t find anywhere.

May I use your phone? I can’t find mine anywhere.

7. — Hi, guys! Did enjoy at the party last night?
 — Yes, enjoyed a lot! John and wife are excellent hosts!

— Hi, guys! Did you enjoy yourselves at the party last night?

— Yes, we enjoyed ourselves a lot! John and his wife are excellent hosts!

8. — Who’s John Ecks?
— I thought you knew . Isn’t a friend of ?
— No. had never heard of until just now.

— I thought you knew him. Isn’t he a friend of yours?

— No. I had never heard of him until just now.

9. — These solar panels were expensive, but my electric bills will be lower. They will pay for _________________ within a couple of years.
 — How much did you pay for _________________?

— … They will pay for themselves within a couple of years.

— How much did you pay for them ?

10. — Is that man a friend of ?
 — No, just met. I had never seen before.

— Is that man a friend of yours?

— No, we just met. I had never seen him before.

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