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Getting Smarter through Language

Personal Pronouns (Reflexive Case) | (A-Level, Basic)

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Summary: Subject Pronoun – Reflexive Pronouns

Person Singular Plural
First Imyself weourselves
Second youyourself you (you all)yourselves
Third hehimself

This lesson has exercises.

Reflexive Pronouns: -Self, -Selves

A reflexive pronoun shows that the subject and the object is the same. The subject is the doer and the receiver of the action.

When you love someone, that person receives the action. When you love yourself, you are doing and receiving the action of loving.


You can use reflexive pronouns for any object such as a direct object (I love him — I love myself) or the object of a preposition (She was looking at me — She was looking at herself).

Examples: singular reflexive pronouns (-self)

When I am thinking, sometimes I talk to myself.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

He thinks too much about himself.

She is buying herself a gift.

The monkey is looking at itself in the mirror.


Examples: plural reflexive pronouns (-selves)

We need to give ourselves enough time to finish the project.

Children, it’s time for dinner. Please go wash yourselves.

The students are learning to express themselves in English.

Politicians read about themselves in the news.


Practice 1. Fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns.

Practice 2. Answer questions using reflexive pronouns.

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