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Getting Smarter through Language

Lesson 11. Practice 1. Verbs and Prepositions (Basic, A Level)

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Based on this lesson, fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. In one or more sentences, you do not need to use a preposition.

When you are finished, click “Answer.”

You can use the “tab button” on your keyboard to move between blanks and the “Answer” buttons.

Note. Your answers will not be submitted. When you leave this page, they will be deleted.

PDF Handout

1. She wasted a lot of time a project that was never going to be approved.

She wasted a lot of time on a project that was never going to be approved.

2. Josh is always in a good mood. He’s always smiling everyone.

Josh is always in a good mood. He’s always smiling at everyone.

3. How strange. He just stared me for a few seconds and left without saying a word.

How strange. He just stared at me for a few seconds and left without saying a word.

4. I’d love to go out tonight, but I’m still recovering the flu.

I’d love to go out tonight, but I’m still recovering from the flu.

5. Americans prefer coffee tea.

Americans prefer coffee to tea.

 If you are having problems, study the lesson again. Then come back to this practice.

6. They are going to turn John’s life story a movie.

They are going to turn John’s life story into a movie.

7. Stop staring ! You’re starting to make me uncomfortable.

Stop staring!… (no preposition)

8. The ugly puppy turned a beautiful adult dog.

The ugly puppy turned into a beautiful adult dog.

9. — Do you still have a cold?

 No, I have recovered it completely.

I have recovered from it completely.

10. Don’t waste your energy John. He won’t listen to anyone.

Don’t waste your energy on John. He won’t listen to anyone.

11. You have interesting ideas, but they don’t always translate practical solutions.

You have interesting ideas, but they don’t always translate into practical solutions.

12. I turned my best friends for help, but they were all busy.

I turned to my best friends for help, but they were all busy.

More Practice

Practice 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions after the verbs in this lesson. (this page)

Practice 2. Complete sentences using the verbs and prepositions in this lesson.

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