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Practice 2. Impersonal Pronouns You and They | (A-Level, Basic)

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Based on this lesson, fill in each blank with the correct impersonal pronoun: you, your, they, them, their, and so on. Do not use the impersonal pronoun “one.”

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1. should never post personal information to social media accounts.

You should never post your personal information to your social media accounts.

2. are building a new supermarket there.

They are building a new supermarket there.

3. consider dogs and cats part of the family in the United States.

They consider dogs and cats part of the family in the United States.

4. must email application by December 10.

You must email your application by December 10.

5. According to website, do not serve alcohol in that restaurant.

According to their website, they do not serve alcohol in that restaurant.

6. believe will be able to send people to the Moon in 30 years. However, must be in very good physical condition if want to be an astronaut.

They believe they will be able to send people to the Moon in 30 years. However, you must be in very good physical condition if you want to be an astronaut.

7. To be healthy, must exercise regularly.

To be healthy, you must exercise regularly.

8. say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but also say must eat healthy food for all meals.

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but they also say you must eat healthy food for all your meals.

More Practice?

Practice 1. Fill in the blanks with impersonal pronouns “you” and “they.”

Practice 2. Fill in the blanks with impersonal pronouns “you” and “they.” (this page)

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