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Snap Language

Getting Smarter through Language

How to Become a More Effective Online Learner | Page 7

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Move Toward Your Long-Term Goals

At the beginning of the course, we talked about evaluating your mindset. How do you feel about it now? What attitude toward learning do you think you can have based on the information you learned here?

Which of the goals and tasks in the course have caused you to rethink how you go about learning? When faced with issues in your courses, what are you going to do: Complain endlessly? give up? or seek solutions?

What resources have you identified to get help whenever needed?

If you identify areas you can improve, be positive about it, and work toward replacing negative attitudes and characteristics with positive, more beneficial ones. Change takes time, but taking that first step can make a big difference in the long run.

As mentioned previously, certain skills such as reading and writing take time to improve. In addition, if you have difficulties working independently, you may need to learn to be self-sufficient over time. Nonetheless, by trying to take steps in the right direction, you will be able to either overcome difficulties or, at a minimum, learn how to work around them.

Hopefully this course has helped you think about yourself as a learner who has agency. You can then start creating change that will help you become more effective not only as an online student but as a learner in general.

Learning is a lifelong journey… you must take the first step to get started.

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“What should I learn?”

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