List of Grammar Lessons | Intermediate (B Level)
About Grammar
What is grammar? (for a linguist)
Video playlist about grammar and style (on our YouTube channel)
Adjectives and adverbs
We are working hard to bring you more lessons, but we don’t have any for this topic yet.
Coordinating Conjunctions
UNIT Using coordinating conjunctions
Coordinating conjunction “and”
Coordinating conjunction “but”
Coordinating conjunction “for”
Coordinating conjunction “nor”
Coordinating conjunction “or / or else”
Coordinating conjunction “yet / and yet” (includes difference between “but,” “yet,” and “and yet”)
Nouns, articles, and determiners
Note. Prepositions have their own lesson list
Pronouns and case
Case in English. Learn about the grammatical case system in English. This lesson includes common mistakes involving case in English.
The singular “they.” When to use it and how to avoid it if necessary.
Sentence structure and clauses
Verbs and Verb Tenses
We are working hard to bring you more lessons, but we don’t have any for this topic yet.
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