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Snap Language

Getting Smarter through Language

Lesson 8. Practice 1. Verbs and Prepositions (Basic, A Level)

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Based on this lesson, fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. In one or more sentences, you do not need to use a preposition.

When you are finished, click “Answer.”

You can use the “tab button” on your keyboard to move between blanks and the “Answer” buttons.

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PDF Handout

1. This wall looks good, but I think I need to apply another coat of paint that wall over there.

This wall looks good, but I think I need to apply another coat of paint to that wall over there. (no preposition before “another”)

2. If you would like to apply a scholarship, you should fill out an application today.

If you would like to apply for a scholarship, you should fill out an application today.

3. Married people often have difficulties communicating each other what is bothering them.

Married people often have difficulties communicating with each other about what is bothering them.

… communicating to each other…

4. I can’t believe you said that to Joanna. I think you should apologize her.

… I think you should apologize to her.

5. I’m taking Joanna out tonight to apologize being rude to her last week.

I’m taking Joanna out tonight to apologize for being rude to her last week.

 If you are having problems, study the lesson again. Then come back to this practice.

6. To pass this course, you need to apply yourself a lot more.

To pass this course, you need to apply yourself a lot more. (no preposition after “apply”)

7. What do you want me to apologize ? I didn’t do anything wrong!

What do you want me to apologize for?…

8. We were just commenting your success with the project. We’re happy for you!

We were just commenting on your success with the project. We’re happy for you!

9. — Mary is upset because she heard me joking her clothes.
 — Is she upset at me too? I was also laughing her.

— Mary is upset because she heard me joking about her clothes.

— Is she upset at me too? I was also laughing at her.

10. — What were you just commenting ?
 — We were commenting Jack’s promotion. We don’t think he deserved it.

What were you just commenting on? (also: about)

— We were commenting about Jack’s promotion… (also: on)

More Practice

Practice 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions after the verbs in this lesson. (this page)

Practice 2. Complete sentences using the verbs and prepositions in this lesson.

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