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Getting Smarter through Language

Practice 1. Lesson 13. Verbs and Prepositions (Basic, A Level)

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Based on this lesson, fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. In one or more sentences, you do not need to use a preposition.

When you are finished, click “Answer.”

You can use the “tab button” on your keyboard to move between blanks and the “Answer” buttons.

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PDF Handout

1. My teacher ended the class a long list of new assignments.

My teacher ended the class with a long list of new assignments.

2. If you are having difficulties in any course, the university provides free tutors who can help you.

(no preposition)

3. Right now, the investigation into the accident points mechanical problems.

Right now, the investigation into the accident points to mechanical problems.

4. To open an account, you must provide us a few documents.

To open an account, you must provide us with a few documents.

5. I didn’t like the movie because love stories don’t interest me.

(no preposition)

 If you are having problems, study the lesson again. Then come back to this practice.

6. The manager lied and stole the company. Now he must answer what he did.

The manager lied and stole from the company.

Now he must answer for what he did.

7. When I lived in Japan, I just pointed the food I wanted in a restaurant because my Japanese was so bad.

When I lived in Japan, I just pointed at the food I wanted in a restaurant because my Japanese was so bad.

(to is also correct)

8. I don’t have to explain myself to you. I answer only my supervisor.

I don’t have to explain myself to you. I answer only to my supervisor.

9. John and Ann tried everything they could, but their marriage ended divorce.

John and Ann tried everything they could, but their marriage ended in divorce.

10. Those people over there keep pointing me. Maybe they know me.

Those people over there keep pointing at me. Maybe they know me.

11. May I interest you a cup of coffee?

May I interest you in a cup of coffee?

12. That website provides good information about money. If you register, it will also provide you tools to help them make financial decisions.

That website provides good information about money. (no preposition after “provides”)

If you register, it will also provide you with tools to help them make financial decisions.

More Practice

Practice 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions after the verbs in this lesson. (this page)

Practice 2. Complete sentences using the verbs and prepositions in this lesson.

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