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Practice 2.1. Personal Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives | (A-Level, Basic)

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Based on this lesson, fill in each blank with a personal pronoun or possessive determiner.

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 Are you ready? Let’s do it!

1. We like English teacher, Mr. Smith, because helps understand English well. learn something new every class. Then we practice a lot.

We like our English teacher, Mr. Smith, because he helps us understand English well. We learn something new every class. Then we practice it a lot.

2. What does this word mean? I hear people say all the time.

… I hear people say it all the time.

3. John and I go out every Saturday, but are both very tired this week. Maybe will just watch movies at home. If you want, can watch movies with .

John and I go out every Saturday, but we are both very tired this week. Maybe we will just watch movies at home. If you want, you can watch movies with us.

4. My parents are coming to Chicago for a visit. visit on my birthday every year. I want to do something fun with while are here. Jazz is favorite type of music, so I am going to take to a jazz club. I like jazz, too, so I am sure will all have a lot of fun.

My parents are coming to Chicago for a visit. They visit me on my birthday every year. I want to do something fun with them while they are here. Jazz is their favorite type of music, so I am going to take them to a jazz club. I like jazz, too, so I am sure we will all have a lot of fun.

5. Today is Kenji’s first day in his English class, so does not know anyone. A girl is sitting next to . is French and English is very good. “Hi, name is Claire,” says to Kenji. Kenji says name to . He tells that he is from Japan. wants to know about Japan, so Kenji shows some pictures of family. Kenji says, “These are mother and father.” “Do have brothers and sisters?” asks. Kenji says he has a brother and a sister and shows Claire photos of .

Today is Kenji’s first day in his English class, so he does not know anyone.

A girl is sitting next to him. She is French and her English is very good.

“Hi, my name is Claire,” she says to Kenji. Kenji says his name to her.

He tells her that he is from Japan. She wants to know about Japan, so Kenji shows her some pictures of his family.

Kenji says, “These are my mother and father.”

“Do you have brothers and sisters?” she asks. Kenji says he has a brother and a sister and shows Claire photos of them.

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