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Snap Language

Getting Smarter through Language

Practice Using “Why” and “How” | Basic Level

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  • Instructions
  • Based on this lesson, complete each blank in the sentences below using “why” or “how.”

    Questions may include “how” + adjectives or adverbs.

    Use the answer to each question as a clue to ask the correct question.

    When finished each sentence, click “Answer.”

    Note. Your answers will not be submitted. When you leave this page, they will be deleted.

1. are you so tired? — I’m working hard today.

Why are you so tired? — I’m working hard today.

Note. We capitalize words at the beginning of sentences. Here, you should write “Why,” not “why.”

2. are these shoes? — $125.

How much are these shoes? — $125.

Note. Remember: “How,” not “how.”

3. is my computer so slow? — You are running too many programs at the same time.

Why is my computer so slow? — You are running too many programs at the same time.

4. is it to exercise every day? -- It’s very important if you want to have a long life.

How important is it to exercise every day? -- It’s very important if you want to have a long life.

5. is the weather today? — It’s beautiful, but it’s a little hot.

How is the weather today? — It’s beautiful, but it’s a little hot.

6. is it today? — It’s only about 85 today.

How hot is it today? — It’s only about 85°F today.

7. are you learning German? — I want to go to college in Frankfurt next year.

Why are you learning German? — I want to go to college in Frankfurt next year.

8. are you learning German? — I’m taking a course and watching a lot of German movies.

How are you learning German? — I’m taking a course and watching a lot of German movies.

9. How long are your classes? — Two hours on Mondays and Wednesdays.

How long are your classes? — Two hours on Mondays and Wednesdays.

10. do you cook? -- I don’t cook very well, but I can make a delicious lasagna.

How well do you cook? -- I don’t cook very well, but I can make a delicious lasagna.

11. isn’t Susan in class today? — She is visiting her grandmother in San Francisco.

Why isn’t Susan in class today? — She is visiting her grandmother in San Francisco.

12. is her grandmother? — Not very well. She’s in the hospital.

How is her grandmother? — Not very well. She’s in the hospital.

13. is her grandmother in the hospital? — She has heart problems and needs surgery.

Why is her grandmother in the hospital? — She has heart problems and needs surgery.

14. is your soup? — It’s delicious, thanks!

How is your soup? — It’s delicious, thanks!

15. don’t you drive to Texas? — It’s too far and my car isn’t very good.

Why don’t you drive to Texas? — It’s too far and my car isn’t very good.

16. can you type? — I can type about 70 words a minute.

How fast can you type? — I can type about 70 words a minute.

17. do you learn a language? — You can take courses, listen to podcasts, read books in the language, and so on.

How do you learn a language? — You can take courses, listen to podcasts, read books in the language, and so on.

18. are you taking pictures? — I want to post them to Instagram.

Why are you taking pictures? — I want to post them to Instagram.

19. many pictures are you going to post to your Instagram? — I don’t know. Maybe two or three.

How many pictures are you going to post to your Instagram? — I don’t know. Maybe two or three.

20. do you use Snap Language? — It has very good lessons and exercises.

Why do you use Snap Language? It has very good lessons and exercises.

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