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Practice Using Who and Whom

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Your Turn

For each sentence, ask questions about the people as the subject and the object. Then click the button to check your answer.

1. The teacher is talking to the students.

Write your questions below:


Who is talking to the students? — The teacher.

Object of the preposition “to:”

To whom is the teacher talking? — To the students.

Whom is the teacher talking to? — To the students.

Who is the teacher talking to? (informal) — To the students.

2. Ann is looking at the baby.

Write your questions below:


Who is looking at the baby? — Ann.

Object of the preposition “at:”

At whom is Ann looking? — At the baby.

Whom is Ann looking at? — At the baby.

Who is Ann looking at? (informal) — At the baby.

3. The mother is scolding her son.

Write your questions below:


Who is the mother scolding? — Her son.

Object of the verb:

Whom is the mother scolding? — Her son.

Who is the mother scolding? (informal) — Her son.

4. We are eating with John and his family.

Write your questions below:


Who is eating with John and his family? — We are.

Object of the preposition “with:”

With whom are we eating? — With John and his family.

Whom are we eating with? — With John and his family.

Who are we eating with? (informal) — With John and his family.

5. Gerald is meeting Lucy.

Write your questions below:


Who is meeting Lucy? — Gerald is.

Object of the preposition “with:”

Whom is Gerald meeting? — He’s meeting Lucy.

Who is Gerald meeting? (informal) — He’s meeting Lucy.


Complete this exercise to practice using “who” and “whom.”

Other Lessons on Question Words

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