Practice 1: Using there is, there are in simple sentences
Based on the lesson and video about using ‘there be’, complete the blanks in each of the sentences below so that the correct form of there to be is used. Be sure to follow standard grammar rather than colloquial use.
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Since the City installed traffic lights at this intersection, there have been no accidents here.
There are many tall mountains in Europe.
Are there any coffee shops in this building?
Do you know if there are multiple ways to solve this math equation?
As far as I know, there is only one correct way of solving this math equation.
If Congress does not pass this piece of legislation by Friday, there are going to be serious consequences for the country.
We can proudly say that there have been no accidents in our factory so far this year.
Both there is and there are are correct, depending on the rule you follow.
“There is one president, one vice-president, and several cabinet secretaries...” follows the “list rule,” in which the verb agrees with the first items of a list.
“There are one president, one vice-president, and several cabinet secretaries...” agrees with the subject as a whole, not just the first item on the list.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
There are very few valid excuses not to participate in local politics.
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