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Practice 4. The Simple Sentence:
The Simple and Complex Subject

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Based on what you learned in this lesson about the simple and complex subjects, identify the simple subject and the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence.


Two of my friends from college (is / are) traveling to France.

Simple subject: Two (of my friends)

   Correct verb: are

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1. The rapid expansion of urban areas (has / have) led to significant challenges in city planning.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: The (rapid) expansion (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: has

2. The ongoing debate over the impacts of climate change on global ecosystems (continues / continue) to dominate international conferences.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the (ongoing) debate (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: continues

3. The rise of remote work technologies and flexible working hours (has / have) permanently changed the modern workplace.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the rise (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: has

4. The combination of economic instability and political uncertainty (is / are) causing fluctuations in global markets.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the combination (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: is

5. Selecting the right candidates for these positions (has / have) been taking longer than expected.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: selecting (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: has

6. The proliferation of social media platforms and their influence on public opinion (has / have) transformed how information is disseminated.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the proliferation (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: has

7. The ethical dilemmas involved in integrating artificial intelligence in healthcare (is / are) currently a topic of intense debate.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the (ethical) dilemmas (plural simple subject)

 Correct verb: are

8. The increasing number of teenagers exhibiting mental health issues (is / are) a serious concern for educators and policymakers.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the (increasing) number (singular simple subject)

 Correct verb: is

9. The many efforts of international organizations in addressing global poverty and inequality (has / have) shown mixed results.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the (many) efforts (plural simple subject)

 Correct verb: have

10. The latest advancements of renewable energy technologies (presents / present) both opportunities and challenges for the energy sector.

Simple subject:

 Correct verb:

SImple subject: the (latest) advancements (plural simple subject)

 Correct verb: present

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