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Practice 3. Possessive Pronouns | (A-Level, Basic)

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Based on the lesson about possessive pronouns rewrite the answer to each question to avoid repeating the noun by using the correct possessive pronoun (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs). When you are done.

Example 1

— Is this book Anna’s?

— Yes, it’s her book.

Revision: — Yes, it’s hers.

Example 2

— Do you know our parents?

— We know your parents, but we don’t know Alan’s parents.

Revision: — We know yours, but we don’t know his.

When you are finished, click “Answer.”

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PDF Handout

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

1. — Are these books yours or Anna’s?

— This one is my book. These are Anna’s books.

Revised Sentence:

This one is mine. These are hers.

2. — Are your children in school now?

— My children are in school. John and Mary’s children are at home.

Revised Sentence:

Mine are in school. Theirs are at home.

3. — Are these my keys?

— This is your key, and this one is your parents’ key.

Revised Sentence:

This is yours, and this is one theirs.


4. — Are John’s and Susan’s grandparents from Peru?

— John’s grandparents are, but Susan’s grandparents are from India.

Revised Sentence:

His are, but hers are from India.

5. — Do your children and John’s children play soccer?

— Our children play soccer. John’s children play basketball.

Revised Sentence:

Ours play soccer. His play basketball.

6. — Are all the students going camping this summer?

— Mr. Smith’s students are, but Ms. Becker’s students aren’t.

Revised Sentence:

His are, but hers aren’t.

7. — Is this your coffee?

— No, this one is my coffee. Your coffee is on your desk.

Revised Sentence:

No, this one is mine. Yours is on your desk.

8. — Are these your cars?

— The blue car is Alan’s car. The white one is John and Mary’s car.

Revised Sentence:

The blue car is his. The white one is theirs.

9. — Where are our phones?

— Your phone is on the table. Our phones are in our bags.

Revised Sentence:

Yours is on the table. Ours is in our bags.

10. — Where are the children’s mothers?

— Bob’s mother is at work. Susan and Jimmy’s mother is at home.

Revised Sentence:

His is at work. Theirs is at home.

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