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Practice 2. Expressions Using Reflexive Pronouns: Lesson 2 | (A-Level, Basic)

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Based on this lesson, fill in the blanks using one of the following expressions: apply yourself, be oneself, keep to yourself, not feel like oneself

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1. (talking to a friend)  People don’t think you’re funny in your videos because you are trying too hard to be funny. You need to .

… You need to be yourself.

2. (teacher talking to the class)  To improve your English, you must to your studies every day.

… To improve your English, you must apply yourselves to your studies every day.

3. I think I’m getting sick. I today.

I think I’m getting sick. I don’t feel like myself today.

(… I do not feel like myself today.)

4. John and Susan are very different people. John talks about himself to everyone. Susan most of the time.

… Susan keeps to herself most of the time.

5. You don’t need to be nervous about meeting your girlfriend’s family. Just , and I’m sure they’ll love you.

… Just be yourself, and I’m sure they’ll love you.

6. This course is very difficult. I need to to it every day.

… I need to apply myself to it every day.

7. No one knows Carlos very well because he usually .

No one knows Carlos very well because he usually keeps to himself.

8. I think I may be allergic to this food. After eating some of it, I .

… After eating some of it, I don’t feel like myself.

(… I do not feel like myself.)

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